Just when I think we've caught up musically with Big Blood they put out a record like this, proving that they remain, ahead of th' pack. One of th' most noticeable things about the beginning tracks on this record are the crazy rhythms, the band sounds like a recorded locked grove of some undistinguishable stringed instrument happy accident. Meanwhile a chorus of Colleen, the lead singer, walks the line between chain gang song and spiritual; a dance between sorrow and bliss, the human condition. Now hold up, that is only my impression of the first two songs. Other high points are the murkey and understated Spacemen take on a Troggs tune, the T Rex Slider stomp, 'All is Clear', that hugs the label, esoteric Patty Smith 'Easter' era vocal chants on 'Stars Sewn Into Our Skies' and some Nick Cave-like urgent and skeezey rhythms. Also, I hope that someday I hear 'On and On' blasting on the loud speakers while teenagers ride the Music Express at the beach. The B side of this album also features Big Blood's funnest cover since they did Vitamin C by Can. If you want more, hearing is believing, order this treat of an album immediately. Get schooled by the mighty Big Blood.